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Electric Toasters Toastmasters Club 5701 Inducts New Officers

July 13, 2023 – The LCEC sponsored Electric Toasters Toastmasters Club 5701 inducted new officers on July 12, 2023. The installation of officers was conducted by LCEC CEO and Electric Toasters Member Denise Vidal. The Electric Toasters was chartered in October 1994 and has members with more than 20 years of involvement.

The 2023/2024 Electric Toasters Toastmasters Club 5701 officers include:

President – Kennedy Van Dyke

VP of Education – Nicky Sierra

VP of Membership – Michael Torres

VP of Public Relations – Madison Obrochta

Secretary – Norma Rodriguez

Treasurer – Jenell Dolan

Sergeant-At-Arms – Shannon Williamson

Toastmasters International was incorporated under California law in December 1932 and is an educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. Membership in the Electric Toasters Toastmasters Club 5701 (District 48) is open to anyone interested in honing their communication skills. The Electric Toasters meet every first Wednesday of the month. Join today at For more club information, visit

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