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    Infrastructure & Maintenance

    Just as roads and schools are needed to meet growth, planning and maintenance of the electric system are also required to meet your energy needs. Expanding, maintaining and improving electric infrastructure is vital to sustaining essential services as well as meeting our customers’ growing energy needs. LCEC has a long-term infrastructure plan to ensure the system is able to operate around-the-clock. Behind the scenes, there is a team of employees working hard to improve and maintain the complex electric system to safely and cost-effectively keep the lights on.

    At LCEC, it is a priority to balance the need for reliable power while working hard to keep rates low. LCEC employees work year-round to ensure the electric system is operating as effectively as possible. At the same time, we focus on operating procedures, streamlining processes and utilizing resources properly in order to reduce or maintain costs.

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    Inspection & Prevention

    Poles, power lines and other system infrastructure are inspected throughout the year. Employees utilize various technologies to analyze data and monitor the system. This helps track typical replacement and repair cycles and detect areas that need attention. Visual, mechanical, aerial and infrared inspections are also conducted to proactively identify situations before a problem occurs.

    In addition to performance-based maintenance, LCEC conducts preventive maintenance at regularly scheduled intervals in order to address issues before they impact reliability. This also helps to delay the need for costly unexpected replacement or repairs and allows LCEC to plan ahead for expenditures related to normal depreciation of system facilities.

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    Regulatory Readiness

    Regulatory Readiness

    Since 2006, LCEC has been prepared to meet mandated Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and North American Electric Reliability Council reliability standards. Best practices and continual monitoring and tracking make certain LCEC is in a favorable position for regulatory audits. The LCEC infrastructure and business practices continually meet all safety standards set by the National Electrical Safety Code.

How Power is Delivered

Power is delivered from the power plant to your home or business through the power grid. It begins at the generating plant where power is produced. LCEC does not generate power. Your power is supplied by Florida Power and Light.

Power is transmitted from the plant to a transmission substation, which uses large substation transformers to convert voltage to a higher voltage level so the power can travel long distances on transmission lines.

Power from the transmission grid must be reduced to a lower voltage before it is distributed to homes and businesses. This happens at the power substation. LCEC has 24 of these substations located throughout the service territory. Power transformers within the substation reduce the voltage, which leaves the substation on distribution lines.

Distribution lines deliver power to neighborhoods and business districts where the voltage is reduced even further by a transformer located on a pole or on pads at ground

Although electricity was regarded as a luxury many years ago, today it has become an essential part of everyday life. Despite the growing dependence on electricity, people may not think about everything that takes place behind the electrical outlet to ensure the power is there when it is needed.

LCEC is committed to delivering reliable electricity. This mission is at the core of our business and we work very hard to meet our customers’ expectations.

The LCEC electric system includes transmission and distribution facilities located throughout five counties. Through the use of technology, more than 8,000 miles of LCEC energized line is operated and maintained consistently. Protective devices, diagnostic systems and monitors help to identify issues that may cause an outage and enable quick response when needed. Infrared technology is utilized to inspect facilities, and equipment is repaired or replaced when necessary.