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What is the big green box in my neighborhood?

July 22, 2021 – What are big, green, and sit in residential neighborhoods? These large green boxes are called pad-mounted transformers and caution must be practiced around them. 

What is a pad-mounted transformer?
Pad-mounted transformers work in the same capacity as the transformers (gray cans) on the top of electric poles do. In essence, they convert higher-voltage electricity to a lower voltage so that it is safe and useful for your home. The only difference is that pad-mounted transformers work with underground power lines while transformers on the pole work directly with the overhead electric lines.

How can I stay safe around pad-mounted transformers?
Pad-mounted transformers are locked and marked as dangerous. These big green boxes should never be used as benches, nor should kids play on or near them. Landscaping should not be planted around these boxes as power linemen may need to access them safely and easily, and any roots could interfere with underground wires. Never, ever dig anywhere near a pad-mounted transformer. It is just as important for people to be safe around underground power lines and pad-mounted transformers as it is to be safe around overhead power lines.

For more ways to stay safe around electricity, visit