LCEC collects various fees to cover costs related to services provided to members. In addition, LCEC collects franchise fees in some areas for the right to utilize rights-of-way to supply electric service to members in those areas. Franchise fees are collected and paid to the governmental bodies as a pass-through.
Membership Fee
Residential Late Fee
Unpaid as of the past due date.
Unpaid as of the past due date.
Commercial Late Fee
Unpaid as of the past due date.
Unpaid as of the past due date.
8% of the total unpaid charges.
Minimum $10.00 charge
Maximum $500.00 charge
Minimum $10.00 charge
Maximum $500.00 charge
Franchise Fee
Based on taxing authority. Paid to city/county for right to utilize rights of way for the purpose of supplying electric service. All monies collected are paid to the municipality
Understanding Franchise Fee
Understanding Franchise Fee
Underground LCEC-Installed Trench
Residential underground service with trench and conduit installed by LCEC.
Residential underground service with trench and conduit installed by LCEC.
Underground Customer-Installed Trench
Residential underground service with trench and conduit installed by customer.
Residential underground service with trench and conduit installed by customer.