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David Beam

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Mr. Beam has served on the Board since 2022. He is a retired utility executive with 37 years’ experience working for electric cooperatives like LCEC. He and his wife, Gayle, have been full-time residents of Cape Coral since 2015.

As a Senior Vice President and member of the executive staff of one of the largest electric cooperatives in the country, he worked directly with the Board of Directors in a leadership role setting the direction of the organization. Mr. Beam has direct board experience, having served on the Board of Directors of the SERC Reliability Corporation. He took an active role in setting policy and direction of the organization, serving on the Board Executive Committee and the Human Resources and Compensation Committee. Having worked for electric cooperatives his entire professional career, Mr. Beam is a strong believer in the cooperative model of member ownership and governance.

Community Service:  Past president and current board member, Cape Coral Tarpon Hunters Club; past president, Wildwood Green Homeowners Association; member, Cape Coral New Residents Club; member, Faith Presbyterian Church.

Click here to contact Mr. Beam